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  1. Zhang, D., Turecek, J., Choi, S., Delisle, M., Pamplona, C. L., Meltzer, S., & Ginty, D. D. (2024). C-LTMRs evoke wet dog shakes via the spinoparabrachial pathway. Science, 386(6722), 686-692.

  2. Meltzer, S., Comeau, K., Chirila, A., Osei-Asante, E., DeLisle, M., Zhang, Q., Kalish, B.T., Tasnim, A., Huey, E., Fuller, L.C., Flaherty, E.K., Lefebvre, J.L., Maniatis, T., Garrett, A.M., Weiner, J.A., and Ginty, D.D. (2023). γ-Protocadherins Control Synapse Formation and Peripheral Branching of Touch Sensory Neurons. Neuron 111, 1-19.

  3. Meltzer, S., Boulanger, K. C., Osei-Asante, E., Handler, A., Zhang, Q., Sano, C., Itohara, S., and Ginty, D. D. (2022). A role for axon–glial interactions and Netrin-G1 signaling in the formation of low-threshold mechanoreceptor end organs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(43), e2210421119.

  4. Meltzer, S., Santiago, C., Sharma, N., and Ginty, D.D. (2021). The Cellular and Molecular Basis of Somatosensory Neuron Development. Neuron 109, 1–22.

  5. Kuehn, E.D.*, Meltzer, S.*, Abraira V.E., Ho C., and Ginty D.D. (2019). Tiling and Somatotopic Alignment of Mammalian Low-Threshold Mechanoreceptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, 9168–9177. (*co-first authors)

  6. Meltzer, S., Bagley, J.A., Perez, G.L., O’Brien, C.E., DeVault, L., Guo, Y., Jan, L.Y., and Jan, Y.N. (2017). Phospholipid Homeostasis Regulates Dendrite Morphogenesis in Drosophila Sensory Neurons. Cell Reports 21, 859–866.

  7. Jin, P., Bulkley, D., Guo, Y., Zhang, W., Guo, Z., Huynh, W., Wu, S., Meltzer, S., Cheng, T., Jan, L.Y., Jan, Y.N., Cheng, Y. (2017). Electron cryo-microscopy structure of the mechanotransduction channel NOMPC. Nature 547, 118–122.

  8. Meltzer, S.*, and Chen, C.* (2016). Balancing Dendrite Morphogenesis and Neuronal Migration during Cortical Development. J. Neurosci. 36, 10726–10728. (*co-first authors)

  9. Guo, Y.*, Wang, Y.*, Zhang, W.*, Meltzer, S.*, Zanini, D.*, Yu, Y., Li, J., Cheng, T., Guo, Z., Wang, Q., Jacobs, J.S., Sharma, Y., Eberl, D.F., Göpfert, M.C., Jan, L.Y., Jan, Y.N., Wang, Z. (2016). Transmembrane channel-like (tmc) gene regulates Drosophila larval locomotion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 7243–7248. (*co-first authors)

  10. Ori-McKenney, K.M., McKenney, R.J., Huang, H.H., Li, T., Meltzer, S., Jan, L.Y., Vale, R.D., Wiita, A.P., and Jan, Y.N. (2016). Phosphorylation of β-Tubulin by the Down Syndrome Kinase, Minibrain/DYRK1a, Regulates Microtubule Dynamics and Dendrite Morphogenesis. Neuron 90, 1–14.

  11. Meltzer, S., Yadav, S., Lee, J., Soba, P., Younger, S.H., Jin, P., Zhang, W., Parrish, J., Jan, L.Y., and Jan, Y.N. (2016). Epidermis-Derived Semaphorin Promotes Dendrite Self-Avoidance by Regulating Dendrite-Substrate Adhesion in Drosophila Sensory Neurons. Neuron 89, 741–755.

  12. Song, Y., Sretavan, D., Salegio, E.A., Berg, J., Huang, X., Cheng, T., Xiong, X., Meltzer, S., Han, C., Nguyen, T.-T., Bresnahan JC, Beattie, M.S., Jan, L.Y., Jan, Y.N. (2015). Regulation of axon regeneration by the RNA repair and splicing pathway. Nature Neuroscience 18, 817–825.

  13. Gorczyca, D.A., Younger, S., Meltzer, S., Kim, S.E., Cheng, L., Song, W., Lee, H.Y., Jan, L.Y., and Jan, Y.N. (2014). Identification of Ppk26, a DEG/ENaC Channel Functioning with Ppk1 in a Mutually Dependent Manner to Guide Locomotion Behavior in Drosophila. Cell Reports 9, 1446–1458.

  14. Yan, Z., Zhang, W., He, Y., Gorczyca, D., Xiang, Y., Cheng, L.E., Meltzer, S., Jan, L.Y., and Jan, Y.N. (2013). Drosophila NOMPC is a mechanotransduction channel subunit for gentle-touch sensation. Nature 493, 221–225.

  15. Wu, C.-S., Zhu, J., Wager-Miller, J., Wang, S., O'Leary, D., Monory, K., Lutz, B., Mackie, K., and Lu, H.-C. (2010). Requirement of cannabinoid CB(1) receptors in cortical pyramidal neurons for appropriate development of corticothalamic and thalamocortical projections. European Journal of Neuroscience 32, 693–706. (cover)

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